Friday 22 March 2013


Some times I wonder, how some people either men or women look at the opposite sex and feel irritated. I wonder how a man can look at another man and feel sexually aroused.
I am into computer engineering and I know that when you write a program, you expect it to play out as expected and if it doesn’t play out that way then there is a problem, either the program was written badly or there was a virus in it.
So I think that when God wrote the programming for human beings, I do not think He intended men to sleep with men and women to sleep women. That is why in the beginning it was ADAM and EVE not ADAM and ST’EVE’ or M’ADAM and EVE.
I think it is sheer wickedness when a woman sleeps with another woman and her excuse is that men are wicked and a man…well I do not know any excuse that a man can have...because as a man, I understand how sensuously exciting a woman’s body can be… and I guess that the same can be said about women concerning men’s bodies.
These homosexuals later start to look for kids to adopt later, if those kid’s parents were homosexuals would they see kids to adopt. That is another thing that baffles me is why would they need kids when they know that the process is impossible for them?
Laws of attraction states that ‘like poles repel, unlike poles attract’, so how come they are different. Its good to be different if the difference you make is positive, but what you do that you cannot readily tell your family or friends for fear of rejection then why do it.
I personally think that the punishment of 14 years imprisonment is not good, because there are a lot of fags in the prisons, either they should be locked in solitary confinement in a psychiatric hospital for 14 years while they have their heads examined.
Finally, though you may think I am prejudiced against homosexuals, I am actually, I want to ask all homos reading this post…if your father was a homo and your mother a lesbian would you be alive today?

1 comment:

  1. Huhn.those people need †☺ re =-?! Α̲̅πϑ that's one thing D̶̲̥̅̊ȋ̝̊̅ڪ government has done D̶̲̥̅̊A̶̲̥̅̊τ̅  appreciate: not legalizing it
