Monday 18 March 2013

WOMEN AND HELL: the connection

Some people believe in heaven and hell, others don’t, so for those who believe…this is a grave warning to all the guys…
For a woman to send a man to hell all she needs do is to wear clothes…or should I say lack of clothes.
I wonder, sometimes, what God was thinking when he created woman. They have these alluring sights that make a man lust after her body. Lust is a sin.
I think one problem was that God gave man a penis and a brain but not enough blood to use both of them at once.
So in a world where bikini wearing women are used on toothpaste ads, and exposing of breasts an wearing figure hugging clothes are the order of the day, how can a decent man salvage himself from the jaws of hell.
I read on facebook once that women who cover their bodies are beautiful, the ones that don’t are hot, heaven is beautiful and hell is hot.
What I fail to understand is what women, who are not prostitutes or pornstars, enjoy in over exposing what needs to be kept hidden. What kind of crazy trend is the world evolving to.
Some women actually begin to adjust their tops to try to cover their breasts or their asses when they notice a man is staring, then the question comes to my mind, why did you wear the crap in the first place, does she not have a mirror on the wall that showed her that she had exposed too much skin or didn’t she know the size of clothes she wears before going to the market.
The world is a really funny place, with men controlling the world and women controlling the men, it wouldn’t be shocking if by judgment day there are very few people in heaven.
I wonder if heaven has got a ghetto….

Maybe all the bad people would go there instead of hell…

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