Monday 18 March 2013


We exist in Nigeria as a part of one body filled with many cultures. Nigeria, though we have a lot of resources, we are still one of the poorest countries in the world.
But in as much as poverty is much in Nigeria, there are also extra-ordinarily rich people in the country, so we should expect to have a lot of philanthropists in Nigeria as we have in other counties in the world…Psyche
As the rich are getting richer, they are inflicting harder punishments on the poor people, scholarships from individuals are rare and the people that private universities are putting exorbitant prices on the schools; making it impossible for the children if the poor to go to school.
Even the government owned schools are now as expensive as the private schools. Even when there are scholarship programs it is targeted at the people who have the right connections.
Some people now believe that corruption is not an option it is the only way, should we continue in this way?
I do not know about the Muslims, but the early Christians sold their properties so that others could eat and be satisfied; now it is hard to find people who are caring enough to even ask about your welfare not to talk of feeding.
Some people call themselves philanthropists because they paid three or four children school fees in the university.
A lot of religious leaders collect money from a lot of rich men in the name of God’s blessing, but they would use it to grow their churches and build schools that the average Nigerian cannot enjoy; then they would preach heaven and earth, how you cannot be an ordinary human being if you can just pay your tithe. Most of them were products of missionary schools that paid next to nothing for school fees.
How long will Nigerians live in a loveless economy…this is food for thought.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Nice food for thot! I'm thinking u'd want to reread this post again......
