Thursday 4 April 2013


I was reading a newspaper once, and I read a story about five boys who raped a girl, after the case got to the police, the DPO of that region was interviewed by reporters and he was quoted saying that the after all their investigation they found out that the girl consented to rape…
Now I thought to myself, how can it be rape if she actually consented to it? It’s funny, when I checked the meaning of the two words in the dictionary; they were two totally contrasting words.
But then I wonder what goes into the minds of the guys that rape girls, especially the ones that gang up to rape. Is it rejection from the victims after he tried to woo her or is it a psychological defect in the brain, or is he just randy or demon infested, I can only but wonder…
Sometimes, not that I am taking the blame off the guys who make God regret that he gave man a penis, I look at the women that are raped…the innocent ones that are virgins pain me, because not only may the victim suffer a trauma for the rest of her life, she is bound to develop a hatred for men and for sex. She may even go and become a lesbian; some even go as far as committing murder.
But to the women, who wear tight and revealing clothes, show of their assets in the name of being comfortable in it and have probably had sex with three to six men, I wonder why they fight off their assailants, they would get beat, their clothes would get torn, their faces dis-figured, their bodies brutalized and the men would still have their way…
I know you may be thinking, what the hell is he trying to say, what I am saying is what you are thinking, why doesn’t she just lay back and enjoy the exercise. It’s not that she is new to it; she has had a lot of it in the past and is sure to have more in the future.
So what can I say causes rape, not taking the blame off the men, I personally blame the trends in the society today, it is difficult in this our time not to lust when a young woman exposes her legs that are long and shapely and spotless and fit to a perfectly shaped backside and then shows off her boobs for the world to see in the name of fashion, the television we watch now is filled with sex, to the extent that you need sexy women for the simplest of adverts, women in tight fitting mini gown advertising soft drinks.
Soft porn is now the order of the day in our film industry, and even hard core porn is not far away on the internet, that has been made readily available to the youths of today.
So how would a by who has been watching porn, dreaming of sex for a long time not rape a lady if given the chance? I am not saying that he shouldn’t be put to jail of caught, what I am saying is that the blame should not be put on the guy but also on the girl that made him extra ordinarily horny in the first place.
Now in as much as I cannot highlight all the causes of rape, I just want to say something. It is good home training that can save our youths from rape. So the parents should endeavor to teach their children how to dress decently and how to relate well with people and they should try not to shy away from the topic of sex education.
To all parents out their, the future of the country is in your hands… what you gonna do about it?

1 comment:

  1.  love D̶̲̥̅̊ȋ̝̊̅ڪ write up α̲̅πϑ  hope there § more where D̶̲̥̅̊A̶̲̥̅̊τ̅ came from
