Friday 22 March 2013


Some times I wonder, how some people either men or women look at the opposite sex and feel irritated. I wonder how a man can look at another man and feel sexually aroused.
I am into computer engineering and I know that when you write a program, you expect it to play out as expected and if it doesn’t play out that way then there is a problem, either the program was written badly or there was a virus in it.
So I think that when God wrote the programming for human beings, I do not think He intended men to sleep with men and women to sleep women. That is why in the beginning it was ADAM and EVE not ADAM and ST’EVE’ or M’ADAM and EVE.
I think it is sheer wickedness when a woman sleeps with another woman and her excuse is that men are wicked and a man…well I do not know any excuse that a man can have...because as a man, I understand how sensuously exciting a woman’s body can be… and I guess that the same can be said about women concerning men’s bodies.
These homosexuals later start to look for kids to adopt later, if those kid’s parents were homosexuals would they see kids to adopt. That is another thing that baffles me is why would they need kids when they know that the process is impossible for them?
Laws of attraction states that ‘like poles repel, unlike poles attract’, so how come they are different. Its good to be different if the difference you make is positive, but what you do that you cannot readily tell your family or friends for fear of rejection then why do it.
I personally think that the punishment of 14 years imprisonment is not good, because there are a lot of fags in the prisons, either they should be locked in solitary confinement in a psychiatric hospital for 14 years while they have their heads examined.
Finally, though you may think I am prejudiced against homosexuals, I am actually, I want to ask all homos reading this post…if your father was a homo and your mother a lesbian would you be alive today?

MONEY AND HELL: the connection

People view money as a necessary element in one’s life. We all need money for us to survive and get all the basic necessities of life.
But who invented money and why he / she did (because it may have been a woman that influenced her husband cause then women voices were irrelevant) think that there was a great need for a medium of exchange.
I personally think that it was greed that led to the invention of money.  My research led me to believe that trade by barter was what was in vogue before money came around, now why I said greed is because, consider my theory…
The man that plants yam and has to carry large lads to the market to exchange goods with a man that sells walnuts, so the yam seller would feel cheated despite all the hard work he has done, he now needs walnuts and he has to go to the walnut man’s farm with large tubers for small pieces of walnut.
So let’s assume my theory is right or wrong, that doesn’t matter, because a musician once said…”too much money ain’t enough money” the rich never get enough money and the poor never get enough either, so there is the great rush for the money.
Someone was said ‘money isn’t everything’ another answered by saying ‘make some first before you start saying crap’. I noticed something, a lot of people are not content with what they have physically and forget the spiritual, while some don’t have enough physically they turn to the spiritual to look for blessings. Here they are exploited too by some spiritualists who are in the business looking for money, and are ready to swindle people who will believe their lies.
The politicians kill themselves for the power and the money, because when you have money you have power. Some people would kill just for enough money to eat, girls prostitute for money, people lie for money, and people cheat for money. Most of the crimes in the world today can be linked with money. Sin is the ultimate route to hell.
The love of money is the root of evil I believe that ‘lack of contentment is the root of all evil’. We humans not only have to be content but we have to be able to love each other enough to share what we have.
The question to ask is what happens to all the money when we are in the grave?

Monday 18 March 2013

WOMEN AND HELL: the connection

Some people believe in heaven and hell, others don’t, so for those who believe…this is a grave warning to all the guys…
For a woman to send a man to hell all she needs do is to wear clothes…or should I say lack of clothes.
I wonder, sometimes, what God was thinking when he created woman. They have these alluring sights that make a man lust after her body. Lust is a sin.
I think one problem was that God gave man a penis and a brain but not enough blood to use both of them at once.
So in a world where bikini wearing women are used on toothpaste ads, and exposing of breasts an wearing figure hugging clothes are the order of the day, how can a decent man salvage himself from the jaws of hell.
I read on facebook once that women who cover their bodies are beautiful, the ones that don’t are hot, heaven is beautiful and hell is hot.
What I fail to understand is what women, who are not prostitutes or pornstars, enjoy in over exposing what needs to be kept hidden. What kind of crazy trend is the world evolving to.
Some women actually begin to adjust their tops to try to cover their breasts or their asses when they notice a man is staring, then the question comes to my mind, why did you wear the crap in the first place, does she not have a mirror on the wall that showed her that she had exposed too much skin or didn’t she know the size of clothes she wears before going to the market.
The world is a really funny place, with men controlling the world and women controlling the men, it wouldn’t be shocking if by judgment day there are very few people in heaven.
I wonder if heaven has got a ghetto….

Maybe all the bad people would go there instead of hell…


We exist in Nigeria as a part of one body filled with many cultures. Nigeria, though we have a lot of resources, we are still one of the poorest countries in the world.
But in as much as poverty is much in Nigeria, there are also extra-ordinarily rich people in the country, so we should expect to have a lot of philanthropists in Nigeria as we have in other counties in the world…Psyche
As the rich are getting richer, they are inflicting harder punishments on the poor people, scholarships from individuals are rare and the people that private universities are putting exorbitant prices on the schools; making it impossible for the children if the poor to go to school.
Even the government owned schools are now as expensive as the private schools. Even when there are scholarship programs it is targeted at the people who have the right connections.
Some people now believe that corruption is not an option it is the only way, should we continue in this way?
I do not know about the Muslims, but the early Christians sold their properties so that others could eat and be satisfied; now it is hard to find people who are caring enough to even ask about your welfare not to talk of feeding.
Some people call themselves philanthropists because they paid three or four children school fees in the university.
A lot of religious leaders collect money from a lot of rich men in the name of God’s blessing, but they would use it to grow their churches and build schools that the average Nigerian cannot enjoy; then they would preach heaven and earth, how you cannot be an ordinary human being if you can just pay your tithe. Most of them were products of missionary schools that paid next to nothing for school fees.
How long will Nigerians live in a loveless economy…this is food for thought.