Tuesday 28 August 2012


This has been a very elusive phrase in the mouths of the Nigerian politicians and even though the activists are, everyday, calling for it; they have gotten no response to their cries.

So why is the government shying away from the conference…


Less money to embezzle… the revenue generated in each state of the federation is sent to the center and the federal government in turn shares out a percentage of what has been given to it to the states.

But is the sharing profiting the masses that are suffering, does the money that is been shared ever reach the grass roots?

Governors collect over 50,000,000 (fifty million) per month security vote while the average house of reps member makes about 1,000,000 (one million) a day.

I believe that if the conference is held, the power would be shifted from the center. Governors would only donate a part of their revenue to the center and the Northerners who control most of the power in Nigeria would be the losers.

Now, you may want to say that I am prejudiced against the Northerners but I am not.

I am just tired of injustice to the south-south people (even though I am a westerner), people who have the oil, people who suffer because of it and then they can’t even enjoy the dividends derived from it.

Our president is a member of the south-south but his influence is largely missed to say the least. If he has plans for them, we can’t see it yet.

This is a call to the Nigerian government…

You are spoiling our future…please change

Nigeria o ni baje…. Ju bayi lo

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