Tuesday 28 August 2012


Is it selfish to think of only one self or in other words to put yourself before others?

If it is, why? Why must you care about everybody else? If Jesus had cared about everybody else his ministry would have flopped but he cared about just one being…God. I think part of the problems we have today is because we care about everybody else.

What would people think if I blew my nose in public?

Oh Shit! There is an oil stain on my shirt… I can’t go out like this.

How can you wear that kind of trousers…People would laugh at you.

But what if that was the only pair you got, would you and steal? How far would you go to satisfy people?

Let me tell you… what you call normal today is what someone called abnormal a while back, but all that has changed now, hasn’t it?

If they had been told in the time of the gladiators that men would wear trousers instead of butt flaps and gowns would they have believed?

If the Wright brothers had listened to what the other scientist were saying their heavier than air machine wouldn’t have lifted off the ground?

If Ben Carson had listened to the people who called him the dumbest student in class, he wouldn’t have been the surgeon in charge when Siamese twins connected by the brain were successfully separated.

You don’t need superman, batman or even voltron to be a hero…there is one embedded in you. So come out of your shell, show what you got regardless of what everybody thinks.

Remember, don’t ever worry about everybody else…the world is full of everybody else,

 Only a few make significant achievement….

And you and I could be one of them


This has been a very elusive phrase in the mouths of the Nigerian politicians and even though the activists are, everyday, calling for it; they have gotten no response to their cries.

So why is the government shying away from the conference…


Less money to embezzle… the revenue generated in each state of the federation is sent to the center and the federal government in turn shares out a percentage of what has been given to it to the states.

But is the sharing profiting the masses that are suffering, does the money that is been shared ever reach the grass roots?

Governors collect over 50,000,000 (fifty million) per month security vote while the average house of reps member makes about 1,000,000 (one million) a day.

I believe that if the conference is held, the power would be shifted from the center. Governors would only donate a part of their revenue to the center and the Northerners who control most of the power in Nigeria would be the losers.

Now, you may want to say that I am prejudiced against the Northerners but I am not.

I am just tired of injustice to the south-south people (even though I am a westerner), people who have the oil, people who suffer because of it and then they can’t even enjoy the dividends derived from it.

Our president is a member of the south-south but his influence is largely missed to say the least. If he has plans for them, we can’t see it yet.

This is a call to the Nigerian government…

You are spoiling our future…please change

Nigeria o ni baje…. Ju bayi lo


The Nigerian coat of arms…. A beautiful work of art; with two horses, one eagle, a shield and a garden.
It has some words inscribed on the banner beneath
I have in one of my blogs written n faith, so this time I would love to tackle peace.
Peace: An word that has been almost totally deleted from the Nigerian dictionary.
Our country used to be a very peaceful place, until the 2011 elections and things began to go out of hand. The Northerners saying it was their time to rule, the southerners not agreeing.
A prominent Nigerian saying let the Muslims vote for Muslims and Christians vote for themselves.
Finally, the insurgence of boko haram
Is that what Nigeria needs right now, a bunch of vigilante suicide bombers who believe in seventy two virgins waiting for them in heaven. They said they were fighting a jihad, that the president should become a Muslim.
Should the country’s development be based on some idiots’ libido or is inability to be sexual satisfied on earth that he seeks women to satisfy him in heaven.
Or his inability to get some on earth and he decided to try his luck in heaven.
Is this what Nigeria needs right now?
Gone were the days when bombing used to e a big deal in Nigeria. Now Nigerians have totally adapted to bombing.
We need to flush out the disease called boko haram, we need to take this country back to the drawing board and establish a new and ‘corrupt-less’ blue print for this country.
It all begins with us.
God bless Nigeria.

Sunday 26 August 2012

Schools of 'theorilogy'

I have looked at the situation in the educational system with my unexperienced eyes and what i have seen is problematic. Part of the problem with Nigeria is our educational system is filled with theories. Pure and simple avogardo's law ohms law biot-savart law and a million other laws that were rammed up our brains so that we could get good grades and 'graduate'. These good grades is the difference between the good and bad students. What if he/she wasnt good in maths and was good in music or fine art. Waec says maths, english and any three subjects must be passed, why maths? Why english? Why not accounts and yoruba? Most youths have no sense of why they want to go for masters degree.."make i add to my C.V." One said. Some believe that it would enable them get good jobs. True... But not totally. U go for masters and you learn more theories. Then you in your way begin to educate yourself.The labour market is overflowing, we, the youth, should start employing each other instead of waiting for goverment or large firm jobs The difference life and school is that school teaches you then gives u a test. Life tests you and then you learn a lesson. Our labs have more chairs than apparatus and some computer science university students cant even couple a computer. We have gotten to a stage where we have to revolutionalize our educational system. Heads have to literally roll for us to achieve this. Let us not forget... God does not create stupid people...Our educational system does.

Monday 20 August 2012


This our great country cannot be called a land for the free but everything goes here.
Imagine our security head quarters being blown to smithereens by a bomber who just walked in to the building with a bomb and no security was available to search this young man.

funny, how we get to spend 25% of our budget on the legislators alone and we cannot even face our security. the average Nigerian's life expectancy would have dropped since the security around us is so low our whole country can be blown to pieces in an instant

In the Niger Delta people are being kidnapped per second, in the north, boko haram people are slaughtering Nigerians like cattle and yet our legislators sit in a meeting for hours and collect at least 1million Naira a day.

Is this the so called dividends of democracy that we are meant to be enjoying
Our saviour president...Jonathan Goodluck... has decided to turn his name the other way round by increasing the electricity bill and the fuel price.

The Nigerian government are always the first on the international scene helping other countries with problems.

The bible says remove the log of wood from your eyes before you try to remove the spec of dust from another mans' eyes

Nigeria, we have just more than a log of wood in our eye but the whole tree in our eyes and we would need experts to remove it.

Nigeria; a people united a future assured...psyche.

Wednesday 15 August 2012


If you no pay me before Friday…walahi… I go kill you”
What if he doesn’t have the money and it probably was not his fault that things went out of hand. If you end up killing him, then what next…would the money materialize?
He, who goes a-borrowing, comes a-sorrowing; that is a popular proverb that the English say, the Yoruba say ‘pekele pekele…arugbo jo gbese…ta ni o san?’
What people fail to realize is that most Nigerians live below the poverty level, and it is very difficult feeding the family and paying fees or even sometimes just to feed is very hard.
A man who had over 20 million naira in his account and was living very fine, had his kids in private universities because of the incessant ASUU strikes and invested heavily in shares. Then came the economic meltdown, and he lost all, he would have to borrow with the hope that the stock market would have improved, and when it didn’t he would borrow more and at the end of it he would have high blood pressure and end up six feet in the ground.
The problem of financial disaster has arisen in Nigeria because everyone directly or indirectly depend on oil money, and only a selected few are benefitting from it. The so called cabals are making so much profit from the oil proceeds that it hurts to see that areas where we have the oil wells the people there are suffering maximally.
Should we keep hoping and waiting for what our failed government officials can do for us or what we can do from the selfish laws that they have passed to benefit our situation.
Should a majority of Nigerians keep living in debt? Is it something that can be stopped presently, only God knows?
Debts are different from debts, Dangote’s debts are different from mine, some people try to pacify themselves by saying that ‘even Dangote is in debt’. But then remember Dangote is one of the richest men in the world, and he didn’t make his money from oil. He invested in other mineral resources and today has become a household name in West Africa.
A lot of times people try to live above their mean and sometimes borrowing money is inevitable, but the lenders should take heart and try to make their debtors less anxious as to the point of killing himself or trying every means to escape the debt even to extent of killing the lender.
To finish this off, Nigerians we should try to live within our means and borrow money when it is inevitable. We should learn to save before we spend instead of saving what is left after spending.
Remember if the money is not flowing from up, we at the bottom can make a channel to make the money flow down, instead of wasting our time grumbling and creating excuses we should put it into creating opportunities.
People say opportunities come but once… but I say it comes a lot of times; just in different shapes and forms.


I had secured a spot on a program that I wanted to do for the past three years; I and my friend, Dayo, thought that it was worth celebrating so we decided to have lunch-cum-going party for me at a popular 'swaggerlicious' eatery in my estate – what's with the word 'swagger'? It’s in songs, books, drinks and now it is associated with food? Anyway, I digress.
            When we walked into the restaurant, we noticed two men sitting at the opposite door. What as interesting was that they were not eating...Rather than plates of this place's famous moin-moin or salad, they had about two dozen Word for Today daily devotionals, three black leather-bound bibles, two writing pads and a few envelopes spread out on their table. Again, I digress.
            Dayo and I placed our orders, and he launched into a 'women and their wahala' discussion. I started to protest when he directed my attention to a woman who was sitting a little further away. The lady was in an undersized pair of three-quarter jeans from which half of her butt cheeks hung. More so, you could see a little too much of her undersized underwear. From my table I could see that she had a tray filled with fried rice, jollof rice, grilled fish, peppered chicken, ice-cream, moin-moin, salad, plantain and even popcorn! I'm not kidding. I still didn't want to concede defeat to Dayo and so I just laughed it off and said “pardon the old woman. If I was surrounded by such a thanksgiving feast, the only form of elasticity I'd be worried about would be my intestines not my pants.”
            I argued with Dayo that not all women dressed like that and he told me to go ahead and survey the whole room. While we waited for our food, we decided to do a quick hunt for more exposed butts around the restaurants, and can you believe it! Nearly all the women that wore trousers had some form of butt exposure, ranging from the glaring 'in-your-face' form to the subtle sneak-peekish kind that's not full exposure but just enough.
            The one question on my mind was “how is it possible to feel a thing when my ass is out in the open? Not even the blast of the air conditioning up my butt?”
            I thought of writing “please pull your pants up” on serviette sheets and distributing them around the room while we waited for our food, but Dayo said he wouldn't help me interpret the multiple-language insults I was sure to receive so I gave up the idea
“These butt cracks are everywhere!”  exclaimed Dayo
“Eateries, class, buses, bikes and even in church!” then he turned to me and said “let’s go man.”
            We had to go and eat in the car since my companion complained of having a shrink-off (the opposite of hard-on) from all the exposed butts in the room, but that wasn't before we had brushed off the two preachers at the entrance; who offered us salvation in return for our time and a little financial contribution to the work of God.
            Ladies, exposed butts (at least in public) are not attractive to guys and even if your red lace G-string looks really sexy, please reserve the view for the guy (or guys, whatever your case may be) in your life. Men have already patented the sagging craze; please women pull your pants up! And if you won't, then at least get yourselves a pair of boxer shorts

an edited excerpt from Woomie Kinde's Indecent Exposure


Faith…what is the meaning of faith? People say that Nigerians don’t have faith that we mainly believe in miracles, pastors and prophets. That may be true; I mean you could see the way people beat themselves to get a part of the chair that Pastor Adeboye sits on after a service or after he gets up on Sunday.
If faith is so much in Nigeria, as big as a mustard seed, then I think that there would be no more problems in Nigeria. But how can we say that Nigeria is faithless if faith is mostly belief.
Let us take a look at things that happened recently, if you could believe that if you wear red on one day or chat on 2go you would die then why wouldn’t you believe that Nigeria could be great.
If you could believe that India beat Nigeria in a soccer match, 99 goals to 1 and it was the great Thunder Balogun that scored the winning goal, after FIFA in an emergency meeting during the match concluded that if Nigeria could score just one goal it would suffice for them to be declared winners of the match…and u have no faith
Let’s get more biblical here…
If you could believe that a snake could slide up to a woman and tell her to eat apple, and she replied the snake…they were discussing. If you could believe that, then how can you say you have no faith?
If you could believe that a fish could swallow a man and take him to his destination, swallowed him in the its’ belly. He sat there for three days, the enzymes in the fishes’ stomach decided to go on strike those three days and yet you have no faith.
If you believe that two men were walking and a chariot of fire came and took one of them, or that a small boy killed a seasoned soldier with a small stone or that a virgin woman gave birth and you can even stake your life on it then you cannot say that you have no faith.
Nigeria presently needs people that believe in her, in her future, in her resourcefulness; well enough to fight for it and to fight anybody that stands against it.
Let us stand up Nigeria and fight against a dead future… all we need is faith
Faith as small as a mustard seed