Sunday 29 July 2012

Stand Up...Naija youths

Nigeria…a wonderful country; a country where everything goes.
The bribery in Nigeria is now on an all-time high, the so-called lawmakers only make laws to fit their greed, so where is this country going to… I can only but wonder
Where parents pay primary school headmasters and headmistresses so that their children would be crowned as the ‘head boy’, where students now rig class rep elections in universities and the S.U.G. election is a do-or-die affair.
A country that has turned its face away from its numerous natural resources and has decided to focus on one. The one that keeps the country running but kills the people in its environs, the one that keeps other regions happy but makes its regions curse the day it was discovered…Oil; crude oil… some even call it black gold.
What happened to the days of farming; when cocoa was so much in the west, groundnut pyramids in the north, fish and rice in the east? The days when agricultural produce of Nigeria made up a major part of our GDP, the days when the proceeds of cocoa, built cocoa house in Ibadan, university of Ibadan, the first TV station in west Africa.
What happened to the days when roads where smooth, when importing and selling generators was bad business, when watching news on the TV was not always full of bad news?
Now all we hear is subsidy, corruption, boko haram, Farouk Lawan, Femi Otedola, election rigging, killing of youths and youth corpers.
Our generation is on the verge of failing like our fathers generations in the past. The government has failed to invest extensively in the youths and the lawmakers are too busy engrossed in greed to pass laws to favor the youths that want to go into entrepreneurship.
A governor wanted to build a two billion naira (2,000,000,000) mosque in his state… that amount for a mosque when the country is stricken with poverty.
What are the youths doing?
A child was asked if he should be the president what would he do, he answered he would embezzle money like the present politicians (those were what his words implied).
Nigerian youths, let us stand up and change that mentality…let us make Nigeria a world power, we have all the resources to make this country the greatest in the world, but we have a problem…our mentality.
If we can change that (though it aint easy to change the mentality of 160 million people) we can change the country and move it to its normal destiny.
Let us stand up and make it happen…
Nigerian youths… let us not fail like our fathers
The success of Nigeria… begins with you.

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