Thursday 23 May 2013


In the world today, it is a known fact that apologies make a lot of difference, the simple five letter word ‘SORRY’ is an incentive to stop or reduce fights. It stops wars, lack of it starts wars and yet some people with an ego as high as Mount Everest refuse to say sorry because they feel that they have the power to take on the person or the nation and win.
I was sitting down outside under a tree and an Ibo guy insulted my father, I thought at first that maybe his IQ didn’t get to that level as to know that insulting my father is wrong, but he decided to stand a false ground and claim that he had done nothing wrong.
A lady that claimed to be from Ondo state, sat down and argued with over ten people that were telling her that what she did was wrong, but she wouldn’t budge because she felt that it would be weak of her to admit that she was at fault. Is that a good or crazy mentality?
First then I began to wonder the kind of mentality that the average Nigerian has in his head, when a simple sorry can make everything okay, people decide to fight and claim right to what is not right.
How long can we continue to watch people behave like this? What most older people fail to understand is that the little kids of nowadays watch the behavioral patterns of our elders and emulate as little kids may look up to the parent as a role model. These children will imbibe the character and pass it on to the next generation.
Then who are we to blame for the lack of apologetic attitude of the average Nigerian? Our parents or we that have refused to change our attitude towards life.
The question that comes to my mind is how a little sorry affects your life? It doesn’t increase your size neither does it decrease you, it doesn’t make you smaller but it shows to the world your maturity level; because it takes a lot of gut for a proud man to say sorry.
Then if you say sorry and the person does not agree than it is left to him and God, because even when we offend God all we need is a simple genuine sorry and he forgives us, how much more mere men… Food for thought for egomaniacs